Monday, March 26, 2012

M.I.S.T. Campaign: Session 27

There’s something rotten in the state of Greece.

And I’m not talking about the Titan attack.  We went back to the Villa afterwards, talked a bit with the other bands.  Not much came of that.  Though Cindy and Claire just had to go and annoy the senior band of Demigods by copping an attitude since their healers, surprise, wanted to heal their own band mates before getting to Lexi.  Sure, I understand why they wanted to get Lexi healed as soon as possible.  But I’m sure Marie and Dr. Tigrillo felt the same about their band mates.  And it’s not as though Lexi’s condition was deteriorating.

But that wasn’t the big problem, or even the minor one.  Donnie and Harmonia both went missing after the attack.  Given what Lexi was able to figure out about the love snarl…the pieces aren’t all that hard to put together.  And Lexi accidentally let that slip within earshot of Nikolas.  Which…at least he took in stride.  Actually, he seemed to have already figured as much.  From the sound of it he’s had trouble living up to pretty much everyone’s expectations since his visitation, which has to suck.

But he asked us to travel to Delphi with him so he could ask the Oracle about it.  Since we couldn’t fault his observation that the titan attacks likely made it unsafe to travel alone, and because he mentioned we could probably ask questions to figure out what was up with the attack, we agreed almost immediately.

That’s when the big problem came along.  We were going to travel by train.  But almost as soon as we got to the stations some of Goras’s soldiers arrived, and they weren’t exactly all that subtle about telegraphing that they were there to keep us from leaving.  All in all they stayed for about ten minutes, or until right after the announcement that a landslide across the tracks meant our train would be canceled.

So, for some reason, Goras seems to want to keep us in Volos. Some of the band seems to want to meet him to figure out why?  Me, I’d rather just leave by a different method.  It’s not like he can keep us there by any method short of outright detainment.  Personally, I’d rather just take Avalon’s mists to Delphi without bothering to talk to him.  Leave him grasping at air.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

M.I.S.T. Campaign: Session 26

Not nemean snakes as it turns out, basilisks.  They caught Cindy and Lexi with their gaze.  Cindy bounced back from it easily enough; she usually does from most things.  But Lexi’s not nearly so tough, and you could tell that it’d done a number on her.  And elsewhere in the city Victor was fighting a three-headed snake that could only have been a hydra.  The children of Terra were out in force, apparently.

The fight itself was short and brutal, as most of them seem to be.  The girls were hammering the basilisks, though the things seemed able to take more of a beating than I’d guessed.  And that gaze of theirs certainly made their counter-attacks dangerous enough.  I went straight for the handler, and he was every bit as tough as I thought.  Oh, my hit hurt him, I’m sure of that.  But you wouldn’t have known it from looking at him.  And in response he threw me into a building with enough force to bring the whole place down around me.

But while his attack may have looked a hell of a lot more impressive than mine, it wasn’t any more effective.  I wasn’t hurt in the least, just slightly inconvenienced by having to plow through the rubble.  By that point only one of the basilisks was left, and Andrew had mentioned something about cauterization just before I went through the wall.  So I blindsided it with a flaming fist while it was focused on Cindy, dropped the bastard like a stone.

That just left the handler.  But as soon as I dropped the handler someone else appeared on the scene.  He happened to take the form of a thirty-foot suit of bronze and gold armor that had little trouble immobilizing and carrying away the handler.  An impressive display of strength, since I know the giant was stronger than I was.

General Goras, or just Goras as he seemed to prefer to be called, showed up right about then too.  Apparently Terra used an earthquake a while back to slip a bunch of her creatures into this world, and all the legendary individuals gathered here for the wedding drew them to this city.  Goras had anticipated it, but his troops were just slightly too far away to make it in a timely manner.

It’s enough to make me wonder, though.  If Terra’s on the offensive, then why in the mists of Niffleheim are all the Dodekatheon wasting an entire week focusing on this wedding?