Sunday, October 28, 2012

M.I.S.T. Campaign: Session 51

Well if there’s one thing Ares and I can agree on it’s that neither of us are much for cloak and dagger escapades.  But that’s where we found ourselves, trying to make contact with Artemis and Ares whilst avoiding any Dodekatheon agents on the other side.  It does make me wonder why those two decided to set up shop here.  I mean, sure Mot mentioned that this city has always been a sanctuary for Ares.  But if they’re sneaking around themselves they don’t seem to think that they’re very safe here.

Anyway, someone slipped a phone into Lexi’s pocket.  One of the older flip phones, with the emblem of a wolf embossed on the back.  Given that it happened in Rome, can there be any doubt as to who arranged that?  So Ken went out to scout around while the rest of us settled in at a café to wait for the phone to be called.  And to let Lexi get some coffee, she looked dead on her feet from being up all night in Duat.

It didn’t take too long for the call to come, and Ares directed us towards the old aquaducts.  Artemis had left a marker that Cindy would be able to find with her power over the moon.  I pulled some clouds down from the sky to give us fog cover as we set out, now that we were no longer hoping to run into anyone, and Lexi pulled out a nice new Pyschopomp trick to transport us to the aquaduct almost instantly.

To that point, things had been going incredibly well.  So of course they went FUBAR almost immediately afterwards.

Cindy was pretty sure that Artemis had used Moon Letters to leave her breadcrumb trail.  So Cindy would have to become the full moon to be certain to reveal them. Which in and of itself isn’t necessarily a problem, except for the werewolf we had coming back through the fog to regroup with us.  The light of the full moon seemed to have quite the effect on both Ken and Rufus, and we ended up with two beasts in the grip of lycanthropy ambushing us through the fog.

Like I said, FUBAR.

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